About Us
About Us:
The Northern District of GFWC VA was organized in 1924. Currently we have 21 General Clubs, 1 Junior Clubs and 2 Juniorette Clubs with a combined membership of over 700 ladies. Click here to find a club near you.
The Northern District serves as a communication link; disseminating information and promoting Federation policies and projects between the GFWC, the GFWC VA, and our District clubs. The local ties with our State and International organizations keep us strongly aware of the opportunities for community service, provide leadership opportunities for our members, and promote a sense of fellowship that leads to life-long friendships.
GFWC Virginia - Under the sponsorship of the Lynchburg Woman's Club led by Alice Kyle, the leaders of ten women's organizations created the Virginia Federation of Wornen's Clubs (VFWC) in 1907. Our name was changed to GFWC Virginia in 2002. GFWC VA is divided into 8 districts, and has a total of 173 clubs with a combined membership of over 4,800.
GFWC - The General Federation of Women's clubs is the oldest and largest volunteer women's organization in the world with millions of members worldwide in 40 countries. The Federation is much like a pyramid with our local clubs as the foundation, and the apex being the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC). In 1927 Junior Clubs for Women were introduced into Federation.
Northern District clubs do amazing work!
During 2023, Northern District Clubs made a difference in our Community! Combined we
volunteered 77,498 hours & donated $312,433 in dollars & $134,606 in-kind items!